Fresh Air? Who Cares?
On their way to the tie festival of Ookiepookieville, Hubert and Takako get lost on the back roads. Ahhhh, the joys of country life! The fields of wheat, the wild animals, the hunters, and the wild boars!
Watch Hubert & Takako
1 Season
Just about any pig would adapt pretty easily to the presence of a fly, but for Hubert, who aspires to become the archetype of the modern, clean-cut guy, Takako is messing up his plans!
On their way to the tie festival of Ookiepookieville, Hubert and Takako get lost on the back roads. Ahhhh, the joys of country life! The fields of wheat, the wild animals, the hunters, and the wild boars!
Takako's three nephews are entrusted to her care for the day. The little maggots are a headache and a half but our fly is determined to be the coolest aunty in the world.
Hubert and Takako are in seventh heaven: an advertising agency is going to shoot an ad for a brand of potato chips in their house!
Hubert accidentally finds himself with a touchpad stuck to his snout. Stanislaus, the despicable and despising neighbor doesn't notice that anything is out of whack, and in fact, he doesn't notice anything at all!
The lady next door has to leave town for a while and gives Hubert her keys so he can come and feed her goldfish. But careful! The door in the back is totally off-limits, paws off!
Luckily Takako is around! Without her, Hubert would have killed the cucumber without ever realizing that it is, in fact, a Zardox from outer space. For sure it is, Takako has read all about them in a science magazine!
Realizing that each and every animal in the world has his and her own special role to play, Takako starts wondering exactly what flies are good for. Going through the garbage is not really beneficial to anyone and it's certainly not very glamorous!
Bob the Louse has agreed to interview one member of the girls' punk metal band. Yeah but which one?
Tonight is off-limits to boys! Takako has organized a pajama party with her girlfriends Nat and Katy and Hubert is persona-non-grata.
Nothing doing, forget it, its a no-go, Hubert is incapable of crying. Takako decides to help him express his emotions.
Its time for bed and Hubert is in a hurry to lie down and get to sleep. The problem though: Takako is still bursting with energy. You see, flies actually don't have sleep programmed into their DNA!
While Takako is watching, a little spider scares the daylights out of Hubert. The fly of course pokes fun at him. This only makes matters worse because now, Hubert starts seeing little insects all over the house!
At the supermarket, Hubert and Takako find THE can of ravioli that has THE customer discount point that will give Hubert just enough bonus points to get the piggy bank of his dreams!
Hubert's brother Oscar shows up unannounced and starts wreaking havoc all over the house. Oscar has the hots for Takako and tries to seduce her.
Hubert's brother Oscar shows up unannounced and starts wreaking havoc all over the house. Oscar has the hots for Takako and tries to seduce her.
Takako is convinced that Hubert has just been bitten by a vampire bat. So she tries the most preposterous vampire props in order to see if he has indeed been transformed.
Annoyed that Hubert is making fun of her crush on Eros, the hunky pizza delivery boy, Takako defies him to try his hand at the same job: hell find out pretty quickly that delivering pizzas is no cake-walk!
All decked out in a black suit, Hubert tries to make Takako believe that he's a secret agent man. What a thrill, she decides to become his sidekick and follow him around on all of his missions.
Its summertime and Takako wants to set sail to the four corners of the Earth. Hubert, who has no desire to leave his creature comforts behind, sets up an organized tour of the house instead.
Takako offers Hubert a state of the art robot house cleaner so that he can devote more time to her. Great idea!
Hubert wants to prove that Stanislaus, his highly unpleasant neighbor, is in fact, deep down, a sensitive man with a heart of gold. Mmmmm, yeah, for sure says Takako, surprised at her pig's patience.
Pigs may not know how to fly, but at least they've been in outer space! If Hubert was trying to annoy Takako, it sure didn't work: in fact, she's now got it into her head that she is going to be the first fly in space!
Takako's super stuck-up parents are coming over for a surprise visit! And our little fly has yet to tell them that she dropped out of medical school to play in a punk band!
A man rings the doorbell asking if he can visit Hubert's house. He says that he grew up in this house. He measures everything, takes copious notes, probes, and sounds all over the place. The whole thing seems pretty fishy!
Takako and her band decided to hop in their new van and go on a world tour. But since none of the band members has a driver's license, Takako signs up to take the test.
Takako offers Hubert a magnificent new bicycle that he cherishes as if it were the most beautiful treasure in the whole world. Except that he won't ride it!
Catastrophe! Hubert has accidentally broken Takakos guitar!! Since he doesn't have the courage to tell her the bad news, he comes up with a thousand and one tricks to hide his screw-up.
Hubert and Takako decide to challenge each other to do the silliest things but one of the dares is an almost impossible task for Hubert: kissing a girl!
Hubert, who has never so much as touched one of those horrid black and white balls, decides to sign up with Takako. It's a golden opportunity to get close to his neighbor and who knows, maybe even make a good impression on him. Can't pass this up!
Hubert's indecision concerning just about everything is getting on Takakos nerves big time, in fact so much so that she decides to call a fortune teller to find out what choices he should make.
Following his encounter with the famous food critic the Gargling Gourmet, Hubert decides to turn his house into a chic, 6-star restaurant.
It's Takako's birthday and the little fly is just dying to find out what big surprise Hubert has picked out for her.
Hubert has installed a hi-tech elevator in the house so he doesn't have to climb the stairs to the second floor. Talk about modern comfort! But when he goes to try it out for the first time, who does he run into on the second floor but his clone!
Hubert has just ordered state-of-the-art weight-training gear. To top it off, he hires Ricardo, trainer of the stars, for his very own private get-back-in-shape program.
Takako is bursting with joy. Her new video-game-from-hell has just arrived. Its the newest, baddest, trendiest game on the market. You play it with a helmet on your head and you're in a 100% virtual world!
Hubert has a date with beautiful Jennifer, but there's a hitch: they are supposed to meet at the city pool. And Hubert is scared to death of water!
Takako adopts a pet bear. And although the bear is as cute as she is well-trained, bears were never intended for living in a house in the city.
Hubert has recently acquired a very old portrait of a pig aristocrat and he hangs it above the chimney. The painting makes Takako really uneasy though and for a good reason.
Takako makes a life-size mannequin out of cheese. The only problem is that Hubert becomes so attached to this milk-product-derivative-babe that he completely forgets about the real thing and he also completely ignores Takako as well.
Hubert and Takako discover a super-cute kitten sitting on their doorstep. They immediately adopt it. But Takako witnesses the most incredible thing taking place in the middle of the night.
Hubert and Takako both become obsessed with the prototype of a revolutionary new game. The problem is that there is only one copy, its a prototype after all! So they strike a deal: each of them gets to take turns playing.
Hubert inadvertently mentions the one thing Takako is super sensitive about her big nose. The fly has such a nasal complex that from now on she doesn't even dare show herself in public!
Takako notices with horror that her apartment is chock-full of pig objects from knick-knacks on the shelves to pig furniture. Takako warns Hubert: careful, our hostess is going to want to add you to her collection!
Takako has decided she is going to give guitar lessons, but tough luck, her first student is a super gifted teenager! There is nothing she can teach the guy! Whatta mess!
Hubert has unknowingly bought a magic lamp with a genie inside at a garage sale. Well, the genie may be going a bit far, it's more like a seedy-looking glow-worm, but nonetheless, he promises to grant three wishes, isn't that proof enough?
Takako totally destroys a little old lady's house while testing out her new mind-blowing guitar amps. Hubert is outraged, invites the granny to stay with him and fawns over her every need.
Takako digs up a treasure chest buried in the yard. Unfortunately, right then, its rightful owner shows up to claim it. A pirate of course and no way is he going to let some fly get her paws on his hard-won treasure!
Hubert and Takako go to visit the pigs' old aunt. Feeling lazy, they decided to take the elevator instead of the stairs. Bad move! They find themselves stuck between two floors.
What a surprise when Takako finds out that Hubert has become a TV weatherman! Everyone loves him, he is everyone's heartthrob, the darling of the weathercast and his ego inflates in synch. That is until he announces bad weather.
Since one of his ancestors was a successful author, Hubert wants to prove to Takako that talent is hereditary. He begins an opus on the life and work of his friend! But our little fly isn't allowed to read a word of it before its finished.
Hubert and Takako discover a colony of mice in their attic, but not just any mice. These little critters are dressed like they are still living in the middle ages. And pretty quickly, they crown our pig, King Hubert.
Stanislaus has once again butted in front of Hubert and Takako in the supermarket checkout line and to top it off, he's putting the moves on Jennifer! Determined to mark out his turf, the pig accepts a sporting duel with his dear neighbor.
Without realizing it, Takako has gotten rid of Hubert's fetish blankie (he nicknamed it Acrylic because, well, its 100% acrylic!)
Hubert signs up for a cake-baking contest. With a recipe he has inherited from his great-great-grand-mother, he is sure he's going to win! But Takako accidentally destroys the precious recipe.
Hubert isn't afraid of anything. Takako tries ghosts and monsters but the guy just doesn't flinch. In fact, he actually invites a zombie into the house, a real zombie.
Takako is super excited. A reporter has come by to interview her! But Hubert is quick to butt in and take over and pretty soon the two friends start quarreling.
Hubert and Takako are selling tickets for a raffle for Jennifer and Eros's non-profit organization.
Hubert & Takako fight it out for the Raffle Prize with the expectation of getting private gardening classes either with Jennifer or Eros.
Takako is dying for a nice strawberry milkshake and so she adopts Olga, a calm, sweet cow.
Because they have been calling him for just about every imaginary sickness under the sun, Hubert and Takako's local doctor has a burn-out.
In order to put a stop to Stanislaus's incessant attempts to snag her, Jennifer declares that the man of her dreams is the one who can bring her the moon, nothing less.
Takako shows up with a big disappearing box that she picked up for a song at an old retired magician's place. She is going to show Hubert what real magic is all about!
Jennifer and Eros are taking part in a dart contest, sponsored by the local supermarket. Hubert wants to enter in order to impress his lady-love and Takako wants to take part so she can crush everybody!
Takako has just signed a solo contract with a major big-time record producer who specializes inbubblegum pop. Her girlfriends accuse her of selling out and having a bloated ego. They decide to look for a new band mate. Takako tells them theyre just jealo
Takako has gotten herself into a dangerous tight-spot again and her guardian angel shows up to chew her out. But Takako won't listen to her prudish, goody-two-shoes clone. Hubert complains, hey, why doesn't he have a guardian angel too?
Hubert discovers one day that he has a double! And not just any double, no, it's the start of a TV reality show!
Its panic-city at home. Hubert's favorite eraser has disappeared! So Sherlock Hubert flies into action and the first suspect is Takako of course!
After their first (and hopefully last) 5th-floor elevator disaster while visiting Hubert's old aunt, our friends are not going to get stuck in the elevator again.
Takako's poor old father can't take any more: his wife (Takakos mother) is the world's biggest pain in the butt. So he decides to move in with Hubert and Takako.
Somebody is after Jean-Pierre the mosquito and chases him all the way to Hubert and Takako's house where he decides to a hideout.
Hubert has been hired as Hotel Director of the swank Paradisio Island Inn. A dream job. He has made up his mind, he's leaving home.
Hubert and Takako are hooked on the latest TV series that everyone else in the world is hooked on: Bermuda 51. Hubert misses a few episodes and can no longer follow the saga.
After having fiddled around with the house-cleaner robot with whom she is playing video games, Takako inadvertently gives him a conscience! And now the poor robot is wracked with existential doubts!
Hubert is ecstatic, he has just dug up an authentic clowns nose in a garage sale. Takako isn't too hot about it, shes actually scared to death of clowns.
After having spent way too long in a bathtub full of rejuvenating seaweed, Hubert has shrunk into a piglet! Takako now has to take care of a baby pig and she quickly realizes that he has to learn everything all over again.
Hubert encounters his double who has come from the future to warn him something terrible is going to happen If Takako goes to her concert tonight, we are going to lose her!